Aoyama High School not only has many interesting school clubs for its students, it has many Activity Circles in its dormitories for the students. The “STEM Circle” which focuses on technology and science is the newest one.
STEM is the general term for education that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In the STEM circle, we hope to improve students’ problem solving skills through the exposure to and use of technology. Also, as the circle is led by a native ELT teacher, the students will also develop their English skills.
As a first project, the students have been building and programming robots to follow a line. By doing this, the students learned the basics of designing, programing, testing, and troubleshooting a robot.
Other projects will include 3-D printing and design, drone flight and programming, and more complex robot projects. We aim to make students comfortable with using technology to solve problems and to give them an understanding of the technology that exists around them today.
名称の「STEM」の由来は、科学(Science)、技術(Technology)、工学(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)の4つの教育分野を総称した言葉で、本校では更に「E」に(English)の意味を含め、ネイティブのALT ピーター先生が、すべて英語で指導しています。
現在は1年生を対象にプログラミングロボット教材「レゴ マインドストーム」とビジュアルプログラミングを用い、ロボット動作プログラミングの基礎「ライントレース」行っています。これによりプログラミングの基礎を習得した生徒は、Pythonを用いたドローンの飛行プログラミングや3Dキャドを用いた3Dプリンター造詣、3Dグラフィックスのプログラミングなど、それぞれの興味関心に別れ専門知識の習得を目指します。